Systems of the World Exposed | Hello TruthSeekers!

Here the Systems of the World are Exposed.

The Truth is everywhere, within and without and all around us.

It is vital to see eye to eye when it comes to How this world functions and How we exist and co-exist in this world: because how we exist and co-exist here is what keeps the wheel keeps turning and the world as we know it.

But the question is: is this world as we know it acceptable? and would any of us be ‘okay’ with walking this world in the shoes of any other being that exists here, anywhere in the world?

We tend to seek for answers, we tend to seek for ‘the truth’ out there somewhere – But within this, we disregard the TRUTH that is HERE, that truth of this world, the truth  of you and me.

The Truth is everywhere, within and without and all around us – it only requires from us to see things for what they are; to call things by their name; and to ask ourselves “is there really no other way?” – “is this really what I want?” – “is this acceptable?”

We are educated (i.e. indoctrinated) to believe this is how the world is and this is how things are and this is how we must live and this is what we do to survive and there’s not much we can do about it – BUT IS THERE REALLY NO OTHER WAY?

Why are we buying into this acceptance – the acceptance of “the ways of the world” through which our allowance and tolerance of the Unacceptable grows – that makes us to system robots and slaves to the status quo, the ‘new world order’ that is as old as ancient, and we end up existing only to survive, to compete, to race: against ourselves and each-other, against time, against life itself.

To see and realize how we participate in this world; to see sand realize how we contribute to the recreation and maintenance of this current system – places us in a position to see and recognize that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.