THE TRUTH HURTS | Benazir Bhutto on Conspiracies, Freedom and the World as Corporation

it's a construct - so why don't we change it


I wondered whether something is being done, whether there are some, in some way, doing something to help everyone else – to show everyone else that we alone, to let everyone know that we are alone, very much alone, within this existence and that we have to do something to this existence if we’d want our experience to change.

Imagine you being alone within this existence and you seeing, realising and understanding that all that everyone is experiencing is an illusion, is not real and that all of us in this existence are alone and then each one of us individually is responsible for what is currently happening in this existence, this entire existence within which we experience ourselves.

What would you do?

This was my experience. As I realised that all of us in this existence – really incorporating all that exists – is alone here, and us alone are responsible for all and everything we experience in this existence.

How does one let everyone know this? How does one let everyone understand this? How does one let everyone see this? Because if you, as I have, actually know, understand and realise this entirely – one understand the vast problem, the extensive problem we face within this existence we experience ourselves. Because, I have come to understand that unless each and every one actually really know, understand and realise that each one individually and alone, as all of us together is responsible for this existence and how we experience ourselves: What currently exist will continue – and what currently exist is the most unacceptable atrocious manner of living, it is rather shamefully unspeakable – this is what I say.

In this that I have come to understand in experiencing myself after death – I have realised that each one ‘plays a part’ in stopping such a manner of existence we have all for eons of time accepted as a ‘it is just so’ / ‘it is just as it is’ – and as I have come to understand and realise the necessity for me to stand up, to stand as me, each one will come to understand and realise the necessity to stand up, to stand for themselves as themselves.

So we’ll start to stand together, one by one, until we stop and all stand together – to no more accept and allow such an unacceptable atrocious manner of existing and living.

For one point is certain within me: What we have done can no more continue as is any longer – we have to stop.

The urgency for each one to truly really understand this principle of stopping, I cannot fully express in words.

What I mean by stopping is to stop everything and all within you that may still be of this illusion presented in this world as being a apparent ‘real experience’ which gives you the feeling inside you of being alive.

To stop means to really give up everything inside you that is part of and of this illusion presented in this world to all human beings and simply refuse to participate in anything or with anyone of this illusion – but to stand alone with you, by yourself.

Only here you will start seeing, realising and understating the illusion – and start living what is real that is you. Then understand and realise what is necessary to be done in this existence – as I have.

See, in death – the illusion disappears; the illusion is gone – meaning that you experience you alone, with yourself by yourself as I am in this moment.

Herein you see, realise and understand the illusion that has caught the minds of many.

There is indeed a solution. Though the solution is you.

I would say it not be necessary for you to first have to physically die in leaving this world to understand, see and realise our individual responsibility towards ourselves in this existence as I have when I died – but to realise this for yourself here in this world.

The decision made by myself to leave this world in death was done from within the understanding that I would not have been able to realise my individual responsibility towards me in this life I have just come from.

And so it will be with each one – you will make the decision for you whether you’ll realise your self responsibility here in this world in this life or in death. Either way it is truly irrelevant – because what is relevant in this is really only you and you alone.

Because it is us, us alone that have to, that must stop and be self responsible – taking self responsibility in this entire existence for this entire existence – because we’re in it. And what we have made of it through our acceptance and allowance is…

I do not have words for what we have done…

Therefore I would urge for each one reading this to give yourself the opportunity to really understand and realise what it means to with you, you alone – free from the illusion presented to you in this world and take self responsibility for you.

To STOP – because we must STOP – we cannot, under no circumstance possibly continue in this way we have, the way we have always known, the way we have always accepted and the way we have always allowed: This is what I have realised – each one must STOP.


There are many conspiracy theorists in this world with quite an imagination.

Actually, for that matter – most of what human beings hear of how this world currently operate originate from theorists; they theorize possible connection threads to how this world currently operate. And if / when there is even but a glimpse of sense in it, human beings within the rest of the world believe in it almost instantaneously because ‘It Makes Sense’.

Theorists invented sense making.

When it makes sense – it propose a possible connection for themselves to follow and investigate the seemingly never-ending search for who is operating ‘behind the scenes’ in this world, how it’s being done exactly, why it’s being done and what is being done through operating this entire world as ONE BUSINESS. Instead of merely looking within themselves.

Conspiracy is but another form of entertainment presented to human beings in this world – which cause many to not utilize their own common sense as themselves, but have others design ‘sense making’ for them so as to in this way: Not have to take self responsibility within their own lives within themselves.

I have realised this within me while observing myself. We so easily tend to want to just follow, to want to be lead, to want to have everything and all be done FOR US – so that in such a way we seemingly hide from the inevitable: Us having to take self responsibility for ourselves in this world and realise that this responsibility incorporate our own individual lives and the experience of ourselves in this world.

Though many still prefer to hide behind what is referred to as: Their own beliefs – the beliefs a mere façade to not take self responsibility, because self responsibility is seemingly too a frightening a application or expression of self to even consider because of all that we have done unto ourselves and others as ourselves.

I am here, for you to consider the following:

What I realised is that the primary source for human beings lethargy and apathy within this world of just continuing to accept and allow this abuse existent within this world is: FEAR.

The source reason and cause for why there is such a vast refusal to actually stand up within self and take self responsibility in this world and do whatever is necessary to be done, to do whatever it takes is: FEAR within.

The fear itself is of and towards other human beings within this world apparently, perceptually ‘in control and power of it all’.

Goodness, I do understand, I do understand, I do understand that many within themselves have realised that something has to be done, and you were alone or even are alone in this moment – but then the silent killer of self steps in as the one singular thought that arrives like a thief in the night. Creeping into you, slowly but surely – drowning you within a pool of disbelief, hopelessness and helplessness and you shun away the inkling of self expression as you of standing up within you – which is:

‘But there is no way out of this. How on earth am I, as one being, able to actually change, stop or direct even a refraction of what is currently operating in this existence? It cannot be done. I will leave it be.’

I have been here; I experienced this while observing myself and all of this existence in death.

But then, I realised something:

That each and every single being in this existence probably believe and think the exact same way – that there is no way out, that this existence, as with ourselves, has lost ourselves to such an extent, that we must just carry on as is, put one foot infront of the other and fight and struggle our way through this as nothing can be done to stop what has become of us.

Gosh, maybe, possibly one day, some day it’ll stop – ‘hoping’ and ‘waiting’ for a miracle.

Then the light bulb within me really switched on!

See: It’s not about changing / directing this world or existence because there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, or even about us ‘making a difference’ in this world, in this existence.

It is about US – YOU and ME – WHO WE ARE that’s the POINT!!!

If I stop, if you stop, if all stop: The world STOP.

I say:

Let us STOP waiting.

Let us STOP hoping.

Let us STOP fearing.

Let us STOP believing in disbelief and participating in it.

Let us STOP believing in hopelessness and participating in it.

Let us STOP believing in helplessness and participating in it.

Let us STOP believing we are lost and participating in it.

Let us STOP believing nothing can be done.

Let us STOP undermining our potential in self expression in standing up and taking self responsibility within ourselves.

Let us STOP believing in theorized sense presented in this world which generate fear and concern and worry within us and start utilizing our own common sense.

Let us stand up.

Let us take self responsibility.

Let us realise that our standing up and taking self responsibility exists within us as who we are and is not about existence or this world – it is WHO WE ARE within and as ourselves that is the POINT.

We must first all stand as ONE, come together as ONE, before we STOP the vast problem we face in this world currently. And the problem I have realised and come to understand is who and what human beings have become WITHIN themselves.

So, before you jump to ‘wanting to change the world’ / ‘humanity’ / ‘existence’ – you first stop yourself from participating further within this illusion presented in this world which has left you believing you to be less than and inferior to the extent where you don’t even grant yourself the opportunity to actually experience you, understand you, realise you, live you, express you – where you have given up on yourself.

Where have we been ALL THIS TIME?

What have we done ALL THIS TIME?

What have we allowed ALL THIS TIME?

What have we accepted ALL THIS TIME?

Have we lost and forgotten about OURSELVES, US as who we are that we no more even consider ourselves, who we are – what we speak, what we do, what we experience?

What has become of us?

Why have we never considered actually transforming this world into an equal and one experience for all?

The first point I realised is that each one of us is a source, and it is from this source as ourselves, everything that currently exist within this world have permeated and infiltrated from.

We, us all together, has done what has become of this existence and the experience of us all in it.


Thus, we have to firstly ‘target the source’, which is ourselves individually – to transform that which permeate and infiltrate this existence.

In transforming ourselves, through stopping participation in the illusion we have lost ourselves within – we are here then no more of the illusion, but as the expression of ourselves as who we are:

This here is standing up and taking self responsibility – an agreement made for self by self as self to no more accept and allow self to participate in the illusion, but to focus on self alone.

From here we assist and support other sources as ourselves to stop participation in the illusion exactly as we have, so that they as ourselves may transform themselves through taking self responsibility and standing up within themselves and so transform that which permeate and infiltrate this existence as themselves from within themselves.

And so we STOP the illusion of this world, in this world, of this existence, in this existence within which we have been lost for eons of time.

The foundation from which we apply ourselves is: Oneness and Equality.

Because if you have a look at all beings within existence, including ourselves: The source as ourselves, our source as ‘who we currently are in this moment’ is what is manifesting in this existence from within ourselves: Which is unacceptable.

So just by having a look at the current experience of all in existence – we’re able to clearly see the source of ourselves from which we experience ourselves as ‘who we are’, which absolutely clearly speaks for itself: An atrocity beyond measure.

So, the first initial step is SELF and SELF ALONE – transforming you as the source of you within this existence, by establishing oneness and equality within and as you, self expression, self honesty, self trust, self responsibility and self standing: This is the process of realising you as LIFE.

And this is the point within and as which all must stand as who we are: LIFE, this is the source of SELF as SELF.

So that the source of all is one and equal as LIFE – then LIFE as who we are within and as oneness and equality permeate and infiltrate this existence as ourselves:

This will then transform existence into an experience where ALL are ONE and EQUAL.

Now: We have many ‘sources’ within this existence that is still currently lost within and as the illusion – permeating and infiltrating that which we have been and become and are into the illusion which is currently manifesting the experience of ourselves.

So, we fist STOP within ourselves – first start with SELF.

The tools have been presented with which you’re able to assist and support you to stop the illusion within you and stop participating in the illusion as the illusion of the illusion – the process of transforming the source as you to be who you are: One and Equal as Life.

And so it will be done, and so it will be and so it is with each.

The tools are:

Let’s look at self forgiveness for a moment:

What currently exist within this world is ALL THERE IS – really. Have a look within this existence, a very close look: All that you see / experience of what currently exists within this world is ALL THERE IS. Nothing else but what is currently here exists.

We, each one of us alone, has to actually through practical living application as example: Transform the experience of ourselves in this world, in this existence by ourselves ALONE – yet assisting and supporting each other along the way!

I have also just started with this process I am presenting above as the tools suggested for you to assist and support you with as I am applying the tools to assist and support me with within this process.

And it is from this that I have come to understand that what I have explained above with regards to us transforming the source of ourselves as ourselves, has to be done by ourselves and ourselves alone.

What I have placed with regards to us transforming the source of ourselves is but words, though words, a foundation as words which is able to be applied practically by all as a solution to the current status of this existence – and this solution is ourselves, each one of us individually.


There is no other way we will actually manifest an experience of ourselves within this existence where all are one and equal unless we STOP within ourselves and practically through living application in every moment of breath TRANSFORM the source as ourselves – the source as who and what we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become of the illusion.

I urge you to understand what I say when I state: We’ve got to do this.

This existence, ourselves, this world will most certainly not miraculously change.

We have to actually through self movement, self direction and self discipline – stop participation in the illusion and transform ourselves to be who we are as life within and as oneness and equality.


Within realising that all that currently exist within this existence is ALL THERE IS, that ALL THERE IS, is what we have been, become and are as what we currently experience within ourselves and within this existence: I realised that one tends to want to, when really looking at the current situation – judge oneself for what we have done, become and currently are.

Certainly this process opens up all sorts of realizations of what we have done, become and are within ourselves and one most certainly do not particularly want to face it, because it seems so ‘bad’, ‘wrong’, ‘too much to handle’ – I most certainly understand the words: Truth Hurts!

Though, as I am here now, I’m looking at the words ‘Truth Hurts’ – in sound it’s: The Truth is Heard.

I myself, am currently in the process of actually realising all that I am responsible for within this world through my own actions and words as that of me which permeated and infiltrated this existence as me – which was supporting the illusion within which we currently exist and have accepted and allowed ourselves to be as the definition of who we are.

And I must face the truth of me – the truth of me being all that I have done, become and are within this existence through ‘playing my part in supporting the illusion’ – I must finally stop trying to run away, hide from myself – herein also quite an interesting observation because one cannot run away or hide from oneself, because self here as who I am is always here!

I’m always with me as me as who I am here!

And the truth of self, facing self, I experienced, is tough and it is difficult and there is much one endure – because the process of taking self responsibility for all that one has accepted and allowed takes courage, and much of it – this is certain.

I have to give me an opportunity to start over so to speak. Starting over from the perspective of giving myself a starting point within me from which I am able to start this process of finally facing my truth.

There has been a moment where I hoped that someone can or could say to me: ‘It is alright, you’re not a mistake, you’re not a bad person, you don’t have to be concerned or worried’ – and then in this, giving me the courage and a ‘it’s okay signal’ for all that I have done, become and are which will present some form of comfort from which I am able to start / begin this process – understanding from someone. Someone to be here with me…

Yet, unfortunately, this is but another method of manipulation actually I realised – the ‘self pity’ and ‘self remorse’ pit which one tends to want to fall into, for someone to feel sorry for you and then help you in such a way. How many experience this – falling into the pit of self pity and self remorse?

I realised that I would only fall into the pit of self pity because of self judgement of me because of fear of the truth of me as what I have been, become and are.

Fear of self’s truth = self judgment = self pity: Which form a wound within self, wanting it to be healed by another as to so deem ourselves as not being ‘so bad’ and ‘terrible’ for what we have accepted and allowed within ourselves. But doing this – is not taking self responsibility and there’s no-one able to judge us, but ourselves.

I understand now that there’s no-one able to judge me, but myself and that I really actually create what I experience within me – and therefore I, I alone, must STOP.

So, I had a look at this ‘hope’ of wanting to receive consolidation from another – I took a deep breath and I said: I have to do this for myself, because if I don’t actually take this step for me, within me – how will I ever understand what it means to take self responsibility for me?

So I discarded the hope of waiting and hoping and wanting another to comfort me – I had to, because this is one of the primary methods I used – allowing fear of me, then judging me, then pitying me – and so I just stopped.

The experience of having to stop is that of removing an inherent addiction within self, is what I have experienced. Because as I let go of this ‘self pity’ acceptance within me – the fear of letting go become much greater, encompassing the entirety of my being, but I pushed – as though I was a pregnant woman giving birth to a child. I literally screamed, I yelled to the point where all I could hear was my own voice as I literally had to push through this fear of letting go of and releasing the addiction to the acceptance of self pity.

There is a moment where I lost me in and as the fear, though yet even though within this momentary lostness, I was still very much aware I realised – because I just continued to push and did not stop.

It seemed never-ending for a moment also – but when it was done: I LAUGHED!

Because everything just stopped suddenly – I was empty within me, I was clear within me – I was still just here (though without the ‘wanting to fall into the pit of self pity experience). Really, everything just stopped.

The laugh was because of the absolute ridiculousness of the situation, of the experience.

Because I in this moment actually understood how ‘real’ an experience we’re able to make of an illusion – because ‘self pity’, ‘fear of me’ and ‘self judgment’ are all but only illusions which I accepted and allowed to be me – in this definition of it being me, I made it real, which then transformed the experience I had of ‘self pity’, ‘fear of me’ and ‘self judgment’ as being real – WHEN IT IS NOT!

What I realised is illusion and what is real is when I experienced this moment of releasing the addiction of self pity, fear of me and self judgment – because as I pushed through it, it all disappeared and is no more here – though what I experienced as me when everything stopped: This is ‘real’ – where nothing exists but me.

And here I discovered the gift of self forgiveness.

Self forgiveness assists and supports me to not accept and allow me to judge me.

I experience self forgiveness as a statement of me, of who I am and it’s quite an exhilarating experience because I am finally giving me the opportunity to take self responsibility for me.

One tends to fall into the trap of self judgment so easily because we in some way believe / think we deserve this experience we’re currently having of ourselves within ourselves within this existence as ourselves because of what we’ve done, become and are: I could not believe that I myself actually bought into the belief within me that I deserve what I’m experiencing within me!

But I served what I experienced within me to myself – in accepting and allowing me to judge me – I am trapped into the cycle of the illusion, which I then experience as me, as actually being real and then I have to go through such an experience as what I have just shared, to understand and realise that that which I defined as me of the illusion is not who I am, but I made it real through making it part of me by allowing and accepting me to participate in it.

So I’ve realised that when I apply self forgiveness: I in this moment make a statement of me as to not accept and allow me to participate in the illusion – distinguish for myself what is illusion and from here stand up within me and just not make it part of me by participating in it.

And so self forgiveness assist and supports me to remain stable and clear here: Me with Me – and whenever I notice / find an connection of illusion within me: I apply self forgiveness immediately.

And so, through applying self forgiveness I ensure that I do not accept and allow me to participate in the illusion / make it part of me – but in the moment of applying self forgiveness make a statement for me of who I am.

Oh and how I have found that in moment’s where I so almost just want to allow the illusion within me, so as to not have to apply self forgiveness, stand up within me and take self responsibility for me = because it seems so much easier and simpler to ‘just allow it’ or to ‘just let it pass’ than having to apply the self discipline to stop participation in the illusion in such a moment.

I discovered many such moments so far within my process.

Yet the most frightening of it all is that I am so very much aware of such moments where I see the illusion within me of me and I so almost want to just not stop it, to in some way ‘turn a blind eye’ as though I did not see it.

But I realised I cannot do it – I cannot just allow and accept it to continue, because I am aware that I am allowing and accepting it and I am also very much aware of the consequences involved if I were to accept and allow such a moment to just ‘pass by’.

So it’s quite an forceful effort where you in awareness have to and must apply yourself diligently and specifically in every moment when you notice/see/realise an illusion connection within you. Because we have for so long just simply accepted and allowed the illusion to continue within us and this existence = which we are no longer able to use and excuse.

I enjoy self forgiveness.

And I particularly enjoy when I catch such moments where I’ve almost wanted to ‘just let it go’ / ‘just let pass’ because I know within the certainty of me that I am just not able to allow and accept it to continue within me – and so I will stop participation in the illusion in every moment: Because this is actually me taking self responsibility for me.

Being alone with me, realising my self responsibility towards me is really assisting and supporting me within this process – because I have no ‘relationship connection’ to anything or anyone: I am here with me as me.

There is nothing and no-one I fear losing, because I within me as me have realised and understood that I am not able to actually really lose me – I am always with me, myself here.

Thus, in not fearing to lose anyone or anything – I experience a freedom within me, within this process, within which I will push and force me to whatever lengths necessary in every moment to not accept or allow the illusion, and I would suggest for you to consider the same.

Because then you will move you, no matter what.

Then you will direct you no matter what.

Then you will force you and push you no matter what.

The freedom of self responsibility.


First, I’m explaining how the world ‘operate’ currently so that you, as I have, may realise that we’re / have not been (in my case – lol) as controlled by this world and others as we might’ve believed ourselves to be, which also very much is part of the participation and belief of the existence of the illusion which we make real through defining ourselves according to what currently exist of this world as the very illusion we participate in and then transform into a reality which is experienced as being ‘real’ within ourselves: When it is most certainly not so. Let’s go back into ‘history’ for a moment, which is what I have done while within my process within the dimensions to trace the origin of me as to how I placed myself within my particular life experience on earth and the reason for why I decided to die in such a particular way and also the ‘timing’ thereof (which I have discovered have been placed by me quite impeccably).

Though a history of which human beings, if not all, are not aware of, as of yet: There was once an agreement between all the countries in this world – specific ‘leaders’ were appointed to take responsibility for a country and within this agreement, all would ‘work together’ in supporting each other with specific requirements and needs as they believed that masses of humans will not be able to operate without a director, meaning one that takes full responsibility for many, nor will the countries themselves operate alone because other countries has certain specific substances that others don’t have – the agreement seemed foolproof in theory… This agreement was to be ‘set in place’ when it was realised that the world and humanity is in the process of destroying themselves and each other – and would culminate eventually into wars between countries. And thus human beings within this world require and need ‘saving from themselves’.

In this realization one man understood that what is necessary to be done is to form an ‘internal agreement support structure’ with all leaders of specific countries – because if the internal source is stable in agreement of support as all the leaders of all the countries within the world, and each director takes responsibility for their own individual country: Unnecessary conflicts between countries originating from the source as the leaders is avoidable – then only ‘external conflicts’ require direction from the perspective of human beings within their own countries causing conflict amongst themselves. This was ‘set in motion’ several hundred years back… The question then is – if you were in a position in this world to decide for many, to decide for the entire world – in ‘keeping the entire world of masses under control’ with your current understanding of the nature of human beings, with the purpose of ‘saving them from themselves’: What would you do? This is what this particular man set in place: So, to control masses within this world to a CERTAIN EXTENT – the following was decided:

1. Appoint a Director for each Country.

2. An agreement to be made between all countries in this world where all countries specific appointed directors – (the definition of a director being: The One that Takes Responsibility for Many) will assist and support each other’s means.

3. Place Laws to which the masses must abide to.

4. Those that are not able to be kept under control through the Laws that have been placed will receive due punishment, to understand that there will be consequences if you do not abide by the Laws that have been placed for your own protection against yourself and others

5. Place Prisons

6. Give them a reason / purpose for their existence in this world: Create job opportunities – as service to their country, a service to themselves, they provide their own living in their country, manifest their own living in their country.

7. Place ONE design that ‘connect all’: MONEY

8. Place a design for relaxation and enjoyment from the work that is done: ENTERTAINEMT as to create enjoyment to balance with the work that is necessary to be done to provide themselves with an stable infrastructure in their own country.

9. Place support, give them something to believe in, to feel important, valued, noticed, appreciated as a living being: RELIGION

10. Build homes for those who work to have their OWN SPACE for themselves so they may feel that it is THEIRS and they may do here within their own space whatever they desire.

11. Place an Education system to train the newcomers into this designed system so they may learn through us ‘how the world works’ and find their place in this world in developing the necessary skills to provide their own living through the job opportunities that are available.

12. Place Hospitals and other such establishments within this world for the ill and the sickly to provide them with the necessary care and treatment.

13. Provide them with mobility such as cars and bikes etc. along with the necessary requirements of sustaining their mobility within this world. Understand that money became the one thing, which would connect all human beings as one and it is under this one placement as money through which there could be attained at least some form of control amongst and within the masses.

The term ‘control’ in this equation was placed in the definition of: Saving the masses from themselves, where one took responsibility for the entire world to design it in such a way where all are able to exist in reasonable stability – and it was ‘planned and mapped’ out specifically, quite accordingly of how this entire world was to operate. Each leader within each country would be responsible for their own ‘money system’ with which to operate their country from – the money ‘belonged to the people’ who serve themselves and thus serve their country in providing themselves a place within this world from which to live from and experience themselves. The ‘one man’, together with his three family lineages was responsible for all the money circles that circulated within each country within the world for which each individual ‘leader/director’ was responsible for. It was understood that there will be some who will not be ‘as fortunate’ as others within this world with regards to having a place within this world as all others who provide for themselves effectively and live and experience themselves in this world reasonably comfortably. Thus, for those – necessary / as much support will be placed – yet, it would be unavoidable, there will be human beings who are ‘less fortunate’ – but the ‘one man’s’ only directive was to ensure that even though that may occur – the world co-exist as one and man do not destroy themselves through conflicts that originate between countries and culminate into eventual wars.

The one man understood that the inner struggle of human beings within their own individual country such as conflict and poverty is able to be controlled and supported in the best ways possibly available… This entire ‘world operation’ was lead by one man, yet, this one man had three wives with which three family lineages originated from. And it was so directed by him to have the three family lineages he developed, remain within the three family lineages and only to procreate within the three family lineages. As this one man’s heir would be certain from generation to generation as to ‘keep this world relatively under control’ as designed and placed by him accordingly. Thus – the world was powered through this one man originally and he accordingly assisted his heirs in ‘training’ so that they then one day can train their heirs and so on and so forth with the necessary responsibility that they have to fulfill within this world. His approach to his responsibility within this world is that it had been bestowed upon him to take full responsibility for this entire world – within which masses can co-exist together without man turning against man to such a degree where man will destroy itself: This was his one and only prerogative.

Certainly there will be conflict between mankind, the nature of man cannot be changed (according to his understanding) but what is most certainly preventable is a worldly conflict within which entire countries go against each other within a war-like situation, which will most certainly only culminate to the extent where man will destroy itself. Therefore he placed in certain guidelines for himself, his heirs to fulfill his purpose, for the world as to live by accordingly with this purpose and this purpose only: To prevent man from destroying themselves. The leaders were accordingly selected for each and every single country through this one man who’s name was Oduphulus Yulovsky, but then later changed his name to Gregory also which was the name of his great grandfather who had been his inspiration of: Living loyalty unto one self and another, as with loyalty comes honesty and thus responsibility towards you that is loyal unto you and loyal unto another, and with responsibility comes power. And only the most loyal and honest man may know the truth of having the power of God – a power that cannot be abused by the man who is loyal and honest unto himself and others.

Unfortunately though: Man cannot be trusted – this is what Oduphulus discovered, not even those of your own family, of your own blood. The initial ‘world operation’ was set in motion accordingly and did indeed last where man co-exited accordingly and ‘world wars’ was prevented. But this entire ‘world operation’ together with it’s ‘internal support structure’ crumbled and fell apart through man’s desire for power – and power only, and power within this world symbolize money.

Understand that where this world currently is in this very moment, and how we are / have, experiencing / have experienced ourselves within this world: Has been done upon our own accord together with dimensional intervention for several hundred years. We all have designed this world as is, according to what we accepted and allowed ourselves to ‘live with’ that was seemingly ‘alright and okay’ to deal with and live with within ourselves. We made everything acceptable and so we accepted ourselves to continue existing within a world such as this within which you, as I am and have, experiencing ourselves within.

We have never actually stood up within ourselves and have taken responsibility for ourselves within this world – we have merely just continued to be victims, to be slaves to believe ourselves to be victims, believe ourselves to be slaves – to an imaginary illusion designed by ourselves within this world – our own common sense lost to the illusion which we have programmed into and as ourselves – because we within us have made this existence, this world an ‘acceptable’ way to live. We did nothing; we have never done anything to stop what we have ever experienced along with others as ourselves within existence. And how each and every single one of us is responsible for how this world currently operate because we accepted and allowed such a way of existence to be: ‘Alright’ and ‘okay’ because we’re able to handle it and live with it within ourselves.

Hear me, please: I am sharing this experience of history with you, so you as I have, may understand where our responsibility to ourselves and all others as ourselves exist. But not to blame or condemn others – realise that you, individually, as myself, are as much responsible for what this world has become as the very one’s who initiated it – because you did nothing as I did nothing – we sat back and allowed it to continue because of our own inherent fears that has become the nature of us. Looking at it in this moment – I wonder if I would ever have spoken up if I would have realised all of this that I am sharing with you in this moment here while still here on earth… Honestly as I’m looking at this – I wouldn’t have: Because of fear. Fear of being removed from this world in the most brutal unspeakable manner, or even imprisoned. Fear of being ridiculed and or ostracized. Fear of existing in constant fear for my own life. Fear of the greatest pain and suffering being done unto me if I actually speak up and speak out and stand up through voicing me and living by example – that contradicts and go against everything human beings currently think/believe. Fear of how others may/might react to me. Fear of losing those who I think/believe I love and cherish the most. Fear of me standing / being alone while directing me as all with the responsibility of what I understand is necessary to be done through and by me to have humanity hear me, in finding a solution for all within this world as one and equal. Fear of failing. Fear of me not being able to complete such an absolute responsibility as me for all as one as equal. Fear of me losing that which I had, that which I owned. Fear of being left alone within this world with nothing and no-one and me having to do this all by myself – I would not know where to start or where to begin, let alone what exactly to do with no support and assistance whatsoever. Fear that no-one would do this for me within this world, so why must I stand up for anyone or anything of this world and risk all that I have for others who don’t even have an care in the world for anything or anyone but themselves.

Because if I don’t even want to do it – who else will? Such fears, uncertainties and concerns would have gripped the very core of my being and I would not have actually taken responsibility for me and stood up for all as one as equal as me, in living the solution for all as one as equal to stop what we have accepted and allowed within ourselves and within this world, but instead: I would’ve been more concerned with myself, me alone, than anything or anyone else within this world. I would not have cared for anyone or anything else but me, myself, and thus I would’ve done that which would be best for me and me alone only: Which would be to not do anything with what I understood was necessary to be done. I would’ve instead, lived with the understanding unto death and would make sure no-one else knew / understood what I have as to protect them also as I have protected myself against those that exist within this world and what could or possibly would happen if I, or them, were to live as the understanding and responsibility I have realised as me. I would’ve lived with the burden, the guilt within me for doing nothing and justified and excused the reason for why I did nothing as to ‘make it seem alright and fine’ that I did not live as I understood and knew that I should’ve for all as one as equal – but saved myself instead. So that when/if I was ever confronted with the reason why I did not live my responsibility to all as one as equal to me: I have a liable reason as excuse and justification. I would’ve believed that if I were to hide and suppress within me the understanding of what I experienced and have no-one else know/discover what I have: No-one will know and find out what that I have chosen to save myself instead, protect myself instead, that I only had concern and care for me and my own fears and not for anything or anyone else.

Thus, by hiding what I understood by having no-one find out about it – it would cause no hurt/harm to anyone because only I will know about it and no-one else will. And this is the truth of me as who I was on earth. And thus the reason why I had to die and leave this world. Because when faced with the choice: Of either self honesty as life, in standing up for all as one as equal as life, taking self responsibility for me as all as one as equal in stopping what I as all have accepted and allowed within existence as ourselves and to live as example in every moment of breath and doing whatever it takes, whatever necessary so all may realise themselves as who we really are of life OR choosing self dishonesty as fear, fear of loss and care for, and be concerned for my own life, for only me alone, as who and what I experience me to be, in continuing to assist and support the deception of self of man as all as the nature I have accepted and allowed me to be for eons of time… I would’ve made the self dishonest choice in fear to only protect me, be concerned for me and care for me only, alone and my own life. I am ashamed.

I am ashamed because this is the truth of me, the truth of the actual manifested nature of me I have accepted and allowed me to be and become. I am ashamed of me because of what I know I would’ve done – and I know I would’ve made the self dishonest choice of fear in that moment – fully aware of me making the self dishonest choice and what I’m doing unto all others that exist in this world as me: But I would’ve lived with it. I with great sadness, great disappointment, great shame within me of myself, have a look at the nature I had become, I had accepted and allowed myself to be – to the extent where I will refuse to stand up for all as one as equal of life as me in assisting and supporting all as me to live, stand, be, experience who we really are within existence when placed before a choice for life as all as one as equal within self honesty or a choice of fear in self dishonesty – because of me being only concerned and worried and fearful for my own selfish, meaningless existence. Which has an illusionary imaginative meaning, worth and value, which I gave it, through what I defined/beli­eved/perceived as meaning and value and worth to be within me, which has always been from a self centered, selfish point of view of me, and me alone only. And so the reason why I decided to leave this world, and also die in such a way as I did – because within me I had feared to die in such an unexpected way – I didn’t have specifics of how I would’ve not wanted to die. I would’ve preferred to leave peacefully and ensure that everything and everyone else in my world is taken care of, is cared for and all my affairs had been settled. I most certainly had a fear of dying suddenly, unexpectedly through someone else – not having the opportunity to say goodbye to the one’s ‘most important within my world’ and not having the ability to settle all my affairs for someone to continue my work, my life within this world.

And so I died in my own fear, as my own fear existent, accepted and allowed within me – thus, my way of death/dying in leaving this world has been faced from the perspective of such a particular fear existing within me while here on earth which I had most certainly experienced! Thus – do not fear death. Death exists – it is here and it is inevitable. Do not fear your certain way of preference of how you would prefer to die and how you would not prefer to die – because your fear of ‘how you’d prefer not dying / leaving this world’ will choose the experience of death for you, and not the way you’d wish/hope/prefer to die. I am sharing this with you, for you to realise and understand as I do in this moment: That death is death – you die, it is the most stable constant certainty that exist within this world along with you breathing. Realise you’ll still exist – no matter which way you die.

Goodness – I am able to recall the experience of me dying – but in this moment it had become but a memory – who I am is still here – I still exist and so it will be the same with you. So, the certain specific way of me leaving this world was manifested by me according to the fear of ‘way/manner of leaving this world’ and my decision of leaving this world was based on the nature of me as what I have accepted and allowed me to be and become and that I would’ve made the self dishonest choice in fear instead of the self honest choice as life as all as one as equal – and thus would not have made it within this process within my life experience. Thus, I have given me the opportunity to prepare myself within the dimensions – to stand up and take self responsibility within and as me, in purifying / correcting the nature of me as who I am, so that I, when I return to earth once more in my next life to come – which is an absolute inevitably certainty, to test me as who I am as the nature of me, and I am faced with the choice of either self honesty as life as all as one as equal or self dishonesty as fear – I will choose self honesty as life as me as all as one as equal, because it’s who I am and in truth: There is no other choice that exist but this – self honesty as life as all as one as equal, because it’s who I am as the nature of me as life of oneness and equality. Because in returning to earth, experiencing me from birth within and as a human physical body here once more and placing me in a position where I will be faced with such a choice again, in the most unpredictable and unexpected way: Is the only way – I will be certain, absolutely certain of who I am as the nature of me.

Copyright 2007

This may be shared in the original form only, to prevent any tampering and only as a complete document.

Originally posted under:

Natural Selection and the current World System

Natural Selection of Nature =

Natural Selection in the World

by Sunette Spies, 08-Sept-2011

Here we’ll be discussing how the Money-System of the World-System has been designed – equal-to and one with Charles Darwin’s Theory of ‘natural selection’, particularly looking at it within the context of the point of ‘Survival of the Fittest’.

How through  the Money-System, an environment, an ecology has been created, designed and manifested as the World-System – and populated with beings to ‘play the game’ of pre-programmed nature and ‘fight for survival’ through propagating their own programme of  ‘natural selection’. And how the majority of the population is thus left to their vices, to ‘fight it out’ through their own design of natural selection in the game of ‘survival of the fittest’ as they expatiate the process of Evolution of Technology, of the world system – of money.
This, how the Money-System has been designed and programmed within the designed-programme of/as ‘natural selection’; so that the majority of the population in the World-System can expedite the process of Evolution through Money, while the minority of the Elite sit-back and reap the awards and the rest of humanity die-out.

Let’s have a more closer – yet basic and overview look at how the design of the Money-System stand equal-to and one with the programme of ‘Natural-Selection’, by standing within the premise of the Theory of Natural Selection.

We’ll be working with and looking at the following parallels:
Nature/Environment = World/Money-System
Animal/Organism Population = Human-Population
Survival of Living = Survival for Money
‘Survival of the Fittest’ in Nature = ‘Survival of the Fittest’ in World-System
Evolution of a species = Evolution of Technology

Here are some quotes from / of Charles Darwin’s theory of ‘Natural Selection’ that we’ll utilize to draw the parallels between ‘Natural Selection’ of Nature and ‘Natural Selection’ of the World-System. The World-System as a man-created environment, populated with human-beings – let loose like animals/organisms to ‘fight for survival’ in and through the money-system for the Elite of the System to maintain control of human-beings, of wealth and of power – while the majority of humanity as a whole, suffer into extinction and those of the minority of the population ‘evolving with the system’ through becoming the ‘fittest’ are the direct-cause of the polarity-separation that exist within the world as the pyramid of elite, wealthy, poor and starving.


For those that are not familiar with Charles Darwin’s theory of ‘Natural-Selection’:
“Theory of Natural Selection
In the 19th century, a man called Charles Darwin, a biologist from England, set off on the ship HMS Beagle to investigate species of the island.
After spending time on the islands, he soon developed a theory that would contradict the creation of man and imply that all species derived from common ancestors through a process called natural selection. Natural selection is considered to be the biggest factor resulting in the diversity of species and their genomes. The principles of Darwin’s work and his theory are stated below.
• One of the prime motives for all species is to reproduce and survive, passing on the genetic information of the species from generation to generation. When species do this they tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support.
• The lack of resources to nourish these individuals places pressure on the size of the species population, and the lack of resources means increased competition and as a consequence, some organisms will not survive.
• The organisms who die as a consequence of this competition were not totally random, Darwin found that those organisms more suited to their environment were more likely to survive.
• This resulted in the well known phrase survival of the fittest, where the organisms most suited to their environment had more chance of survival if the species falls upon hard times. (This phrase if often associated with Darwin, though on closer inspection Herbert Spencer puts the phrase in a more accurate historical context.)
• Those organisms who are better suited to their environment exhibit desirable characteristics, which is a consequence of their genome being more suitable to begin with.
This ‘weeding out’ of less suited organisms and the reward of survival to those better suited led Darwin to deduce that organisms had evolved over time, where the most desirable characteristics of a species are favoured and those organisms who exhibit them survive to pass their genes on.
As a consequence of this, a changing environment would mean different characteristics would be favourable in a changing environment. Darwin believed that organisms had ‘evolved’ to suit their environments, and occupy an ecological niche where they would be best suited to their environment and therefore have the best chance of survival.
As the above indicates, those alleles of a species that are favoured in the environment will become more frequent in the genomes of the species, due to the organisms higher likeliness of surviving as part of the species at large.” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online)


having a look at Darwin’s Theory of ‘Natural Selection’ in a ‘nutshell’ – the theory of evolution, as the theory of ‘natural selection’ as ‘survival of the fittest’ – interplay within the natural-environment through species and genetics as it interplay within the world-system through human-beings and money. Human-beings made equal-to and one with organism/species/population within a World-System as Environment – with Money as the Genes of the Human-Beings as Species/Organisms/Population; which is utilized in the process of evolution of the system; with human-beings thinking/believing it is them that is evolving, when all the while it’s Technology; the System evolving through them as pawns for the benefit of money in the Money-System of the World-System.

Let’s ‘break it down’ through having a look at individual parts within the quote above to illustrate the parallel between ‘Natural Selection’ in Nature and ‘Natural Selection’ in the World-System, and how we’re in fact, in our living-condition, equal-to and one with the animal-kingdom and have not in fact “evolved”:

“One of the prime motives for all species is to reproduce and survive, passing on the genetic information of the species from generation to generation. When species do this they tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support.” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online)

This – obviously a situation manifesting in relation to us Humans, with the primary reason for living of most human-beings being to continue their legacy within the world through their children and so – we’ve been producing more offspring than the environment can support.
HOWEVER – what must be understood here is that – when we mention / speak of ‘environment’ within the above-context we definitely do not mean the “Earth / Natural Environment”. There is most certainly MORE than enough produce/resources available from/of the Earth to sufficiently, effectively and comfortably support all of humanity within this world.
The ‘environment’ we speak-of is the ‘environment’ as ‘closed-system’ that’s been created as the ‘World-System’ of and as Money, where produce and resources of/from the Earth are regulated, controlled and directed in accordance to the Value equated to/towards it in relation to Money, and so – because all resources/produce from/of the earth is controlled – what is produced from the resources from/of the earth is thus only ‘made available’ to those that can equal the value placed on it by/through Money. Thus – if you don’t have money, you can’t exist/survive within the ‘environment’ – that, even though the earth provide and have sufficient resources for all of humanity, because of and due to the design of the World-System, all of that is controlled by/through Money and will thus only have access to it if you have Money.

Therefore, in this world today – it’s not that human-beings are producing more offspring than the Natural Earth can support, it’s that the World-System is designed to only support the amount of human-beings that can obtain a bit of the amount of money that is in circulation within the World-System. If you don’t have a handful of the amount of money in circulation by, within and through the World-System – you’ll be those of the species that die-off and become extinct as one lose in the game of survival of the fittest, while the rest that ‘won’ continue with slaving for the evolution of the system, of Technology = of Money.

Now – you have the World-System ‘populated’ with a certain amount of human beings that have access to resources from the earth through being in the World-System with having Money – money as the relationship-tie to/towards their survival in this world. The population that currently populate the World-System as ‘Environment’ – continuing producing offspring within its primary biological motive of surviving as a species and so reproducing, causing the current amount of human-beings populating the World-System, to become “more” than the World-System as ‘Environment’ can support in relation to the amount of Money as Resources that is circulating/existing within the World-System as Environment.
This then causes the Money as resources of the World-System as Environment to be ‘spread thin’ throughout the Population as Species, thus drives the population to ‘obtain more’ Money and so spin the wheel for the games of the ‘fight for survival’; where the most ‘fit’ survive as those that can fight their way into and as secure-position within the world-system to sit-back and filter-in the money-movements towards them. As one can see here:

“The lack of resources to nourish these individuals places pressure on the size of the species population, and the lack of resources means increased competition and as a consequence, some organisms will not survive.” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online)


– this game of ‘fighting for survival’ is deliberately initiated by/through those that control the movement, circulation and supply of money within the world-system so that when resources as money become depleted / spread-out too thin due to the amount of human-beings that populate the world-system / have access to the resources as money, the supply as resources is momentarily throttled (a deliberate condition of ‘false lack’ is created to manifest the illusion of ‘lack,’ but the ‘lack’ is deliberately created only within the context of the World-System) so that the population scrounge, scurry and fight between and amongst themselves to remain/maintain within and as their positions in the world-system with their handful of money to continue existing/surviving; while those that lose their positions, lose their grip on their bit/handful of money, and as such fall out of the world-system and are left to their own vices. When one can’t get back into the game, they simply die-off and become extinct.
This shown here within the quote below, how the consequence of competition in the ‘game of survival’ does not manifest ‘random’ human-beings as organisms/species to die as a consequence. The conditions are deliberately created for those ‘less fortunate’ – who cannot / could-not hold-onto their handful of money / maintain a position within the world-system due to the momentary throttling of the money-supply as resources. Then – when most of the population has been diminished out of the world-system as environment – the money is again circulated within the world-system for the population as organisms/species that was fit enough to survive, to continue existing:

“The organisms who die as a consequence of this competition were not totally random, Darwin found that those organisms more suited to their environment were more likely to survive.” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online )


– how “natural selection” is deliberately created / enforced within the world-system to maintain the world-system, control money and expatiate evolution through enslaving only a select few human-beings into and as the closed-system as World-System as environment.

Let’s continue:

“This resulted in the well known phrase survival of the fittest, where the organisms most suited to their environment had more chance of survival if the species falls upon hard times. (This phrase if often associated with Darwin, though on closer inspection Herbert Spencer puts the phrase in a more accurate historical context.)” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online)

Let’s have a look at the words “…where the organisms most suited to their environment had more chance of survival if the species falls upon hard times” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online).

This, within the context of the World-System, is where ‘human beings most secured within their positions in the system’ in relation to money have more of a chance of surviving when the Money-System falls on hard times.
These are such human-beings who adapted, changed, compromised and deceived to the extent where they morphed / programmed themselves into ‘personality suits’  to ‘suit their environment’ in the world-system to secure themselves in the system, to secure their money, to so secure their survival. As the following quote illustrate:

“Those organisms who are better suited to their environment exhibit desirable characteristics, which is a consequence of their genome being more suitable to begin with.” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online)

The ‘desirable characteristics’ as the ‘characteristics traits’ the human-beings with their predisposed / pre-programmed genomes as mind consciousness system life-designs utilized to create/programme ‘desirable personality suits’ to ‘suit their environment’ as to so secure their positions in the world-system. Therefore, human-beings now standing most secured within the world-system are there because-of and due to their genome/mind consciousness system predisposition/pre-programming, and how that was used / abused to secure their survival in the world-system as environment = equal-to and one with the play-out within and between organisms in nature, in the environment. Those that didn’t utilize their genome/mind consciousness system-pre-programming to suit themselves into personality-creations with characteristics and traits to suit their environment as position in the world-system – would fall, fade-out and die within the game of survival of the fittest.

“This ‘weeding out’ of less suited organisms and the reward of survival to those better suited led Darwin to deduce that organisms had evolved over time, where the most desirable characteristics of a species are favoured and those organisms who exhibit them survive to pass their genes on.” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online )


the genes / mind consciousness system designs would then continue to be passed-on throughout the generations, of those human-beings within the genome / mind consciousness system pre-programming that is most desirable/suited to fit-into the game of survival within the world-system to secure their continued positions, and so existence within the world-system, by creating/programming the best-suited personality-suits from/of their genome make-up.

“As a consequence of this, a changing environment would mean different characteristics would be favourable in a changing environment. Darwin believed that organisms had ‘evolved’ to suit their environments, and occupy an ecological niche where they would be best suited to their environment and therefore have the best chance of survival.” Biology-online (http://www.biology-online )


– the ‘environment’ as ‘World-System’ is constantly, deliberately ‘changed’. This is done by the handful of human-beings that control the movement, circulation and direction of the money as resources. ‘Change’ is introduced into the World-System through ‘technological advancement/evolution’, with ‘technological advancement/evolution’ within the World-System being made-possible by/through the circulation, movement and direction of and as Money.
So – the more Money moves comfortably, the more ‘technological advancement/evolution’ can be made. For more Money to move  – less human-beings have to exist with the World-System, and the more money there is and the more efforts and focus can be placed on ‘technological advancement/evolution’ – where through technological advancement/evolution = more Money is made/circulated/directed and so more money, wealth and power land in the laps of the Elite.

Less human-beings = More Money / More Control/Power of Resources = Technological Evolution to secure more Control/Power/Resources of the Earth/World.

See – Human-Beings are really simply pawns in a system of Money, where they’re literally left onto man-made conditions of ‘natural selection’ to manifest the world-system into and as a specific amount of human-begins so that more money can circulate, so the Elite can have more power, control over/of the earth through Money.

Thus, the more ‘technological advancements/evolutions’ are introduced into the Wold-System to initiate ‘change’ more human-beings have to adapt/change and programme their suits as personalities to be able to specialize within the fields of ‘technological advancements/evolutions’ the World-System now function through/within. Only those human-beings with the predisposed / pre-programmed tendency to be able to utilize particular-specific characteristics of/from their mind consciousness system constructs will be able to do so – fast, quick and effectively enough to secure their position in the system – equal-to and one with the ‘technological advancement / evolution’ of/within and as the world-system. Those who can’t – fall out, fall back from the World-System, from survival, and so from money, and so die / become extinct.


Have a look at how the current World-System has been programmed – it is not in fact what is best for all as it only exists for the purpose of a select-few to have control, power and wealth over and of the Earth, and is thus abusing the majority of the population within the World-System as their Slaves through Money, placing them in the game of ‘Survival of the Fittest’ deliberately to be able to ‘create their own world of wealth, power and control’ while most of Humanity suffer, starve and die – within and upon a Earth that is more than able to provide for all – Equal and One.

The solution: An EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM – where all of Humanity receive Equal-Money from Birth to Death, so all have an opportunity to live on and from the Earth that can provide more than enough for all – equally as one.

Accepting the current Money-System is allowing All the abuse that it creates as a outflow-consequence of its existence – such as war, crime, violence, abuse, starvation, poverty…everything that exist because of and due to our acceptance, adherence and submission into and as the World-System of the Money-System today.
Stand-up – be a change for the Future of self, and all as self – equal and one. Accept only What’ll be Best for All as and Equal Money System, as through this we will allow nothing less than that, but only Equality and Oneness for All.

Be One Vote for World-Equality – Stand for an Equal Money System for All.

Bibliography: Biology Online. 2000. Theory of Natural Selection. Available at: (accessed on 08  September 2011)


Copyright 2007

This may be shared in the original form only, to prevent any tampering and only as a complete document.

Systems of the World Exposed | Hello TruthSeekers!

Here the Systems of the World are Exposed.

The Truth is everywhere, within and without and all around us.

It is vital to see eye to eye when it comes to How this world functions and How we exist and co-exist in this world: because how we exist and co-exist here is what keeps the wheel keeps turning and the world as we know it.

But the question is: is this world as we know it acceptable? and would any of us be ‘okay’ with walking this world in the shoes of any other being that exists here, anywhere in the world?

We tend to seek for answers, we tend to seek for ‘the truth’ out there somewhere – But within this, we disregard the TRUTH that is HERE, that truth of this world, the truth  of you and me.

The Truth is everywhere, within and without and all around us – it only requires from us to see things for what they are; to call things by their name; and to ask ourselves “is there really no other way?” – “is this really what I want?” – “is this acceptable?”

We are educated (i.e. indoctrinated) to believe this is how the world is and this is how things are and this is how we must live and this is what we do to survive and there’s not much we can do about it – BUT IS THERE REALLY NO OTHER WAY?

Why are we buying into this acceptance – the acceptance of “the ways of the world” through which our allowance and tolerance of the Unacceptable grows – that makes us to system robots and slaves to the status quo, the ‘new world order’ that is as old as ancient, and we end up existing only to survive, to compete, to race: against ourselves and each-other, against time, against life itself.

To see and realize how we participate in this world; to see sand realize how we contribute to the recreation and maintenance of this current system – places us in a position to see and recognize that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.